New ways to Beat Osteoarthritis Pain by using Acelex Capsule 2mg

Knee sprain is very painful when one’s knee ligament is torn or stretched. Ligaments are the ones which are responsible for holding two bones together. They are the underlying tissues that support the knee and keep the bones and joint in proper position. We are able to walk, crawl, turn and twist because of the ligaments. 4 essential ligaments are there that support the knee. Due to an exercise or sports activity any one ligament might stretch or wear out. Our doctors are able to tell which ligament was sprained during an accident. Treatment depends upon the nature of injury, whether knee pain symptoms are due to knee pain arthritis or knee sprain. Knee osteoarthritis is, however, a very common occurrence in old age.

Another point in knee osteoarthritis  is a patient experiencing fatigue at regular intervals. When a person feels like taking rest more than needed, then it might disrupt the daily activities, that triggers a full-fledged fatigue. In rheumatoid arthritis (RA) around 98% people report fatigue and this is true for 50% of sjogren’s syndrome (with lupus). Obesity, fibromyalgia, depression, congestive heart failure, chronic headache, lung problems are reasons for a high fatigue rate around the world. Symptoms vary as some people report an overwhelming exhaustion after sleep, whereas others describe fatigue as an acute weariness. When there is no energy even after 8 hours of sleep, then it is probably fatigue. Chronic diseases ensure a long or short term fatigue, depending upon their occurrence and medicines too. Nobody can predict when and how fatigue will come and go as the bouts might stretch even after joints feel good. To treat knee pain arthritis is to pay attention to what our body says.

Acelex capsule 2 mg – a COX 2 inhibitor drug, manufactured by CyrstalGenomics might help in knee pain relief to a great extent. Especially for people based out of South Korea. But, it is necessary to take all the disease symptoms as important and consult doctor for appropriate treatment as dosage depends on age and heart disease factors. Persons with heart disease are not recommended to take Acelex, although with proper prescription, this drug can be used. A timely treatment of osteoarthritis can prevent unnecessary medical bills at a later stage. Persons with joint pain in the knee might experience fatigue, sleepless nights due to joint pain or insomnia, depression, anemia, etc. To prevent this disease, one must change their lifestyle by eating well, practicing meditation, taking medicine on time, and support joints by using a cane or wearing braces if necessary, maintain a good sleeping habit.


Joint Pain has plagued more than half population of developing and third World countries. There are many articles released on “how to get knee pain relief”, and “Joint Pain Relief”, but none have been able to provide a permanent solution to the problem. Since, the patient needs to consult a doctor, who will be able to diagnose the problem and ascertain whether the pain is due to knee osteoarthritis or not. Hence, just reading an article doesn’t provide a solution, but information to cope with a problem.

On the other hand, pharmaceuticals such as Crystal Genomics, Inc have tried to introduce a permanent solution to this problem of consistent joint pain by manufacturing Acelex capsule 2 mg which is a Joint Pain Relief drug, effective for adult age groups.

At the age of 60 years, it is very normal to feel stiffness, pain and numbness in the knee joints and it is better to seek doctor’s help before it’s too late. However, in a survey, it has been observed that around 22.7 million young adults around the world, has reported about arthritis. Among the 30 million Americans (per year) with chronic factors, who complain about arthritis, also suffer from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, physical inactivity, obesity and smoking. Receiving a proper treatment of osteoarthritis can be beneficial in the long run, especially if it is diagnosed at an early stage. Some of the causes of arthritis are as follows:

  • Injury
  • Inheritance
  • Arthritis of Lyme disease or infection
  • Abnormal Metabolism (that might lead to Gout)
  • Immune System Dysfunction (mostly in rheumatoid arthritis)


Our joints are made of many different structural materials that allow us to move freely in our environment that includes bones, cartilages, soft fluid like sac named as bursa. With growing age, these soft materials wear off due to over usage or genetics. Cartilage and bursa are always at high risk of breaking down and if they break, then they cause great pain in joints and stiffness. Osteoarthritis may affect your hip bones, lower back, knees, neck, spine, ankles, wrists and hands. This disease requires immediate treatment in order to avoid the worst situation. People suffering from knee osteoarthritis are recommended to use prescription drug for arthritis treatment.

What Happens in the advanced stages of the Disease?

In advance stage, the cartilage might break down and cause bone on bone friction. This makes way for the bones to develop spurs and are susceptible to chip off a little bit. Erosion of cartilage causes inflammatory proteins such as cytokines to release themselves, causing pain and swelling.

How to treat Osteoarthritis?

Treatment of osteoarthritis is simple yet powerful. Depending upon whether you can do a little bit of exercise or stretch gently, daily. If you are overweight, you might want to take off some pressure off your joints by indulging in swimming, cycling or rowing activities. Strengthening your muscles are also important for a healthy living. Let your doctor recommendAcelex capsule 2 mg which is an anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal, Cox 2 inhibitor drug, very effective to treat osteoarthritis and used mostly for Joint Pain Relief.